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- TC0065
TC 0065 SABS-TC 0065_N537_IEC_P-PUBS_SC31G SABS-TC 0065_N539_IEC_P-PUBS_SC31M SABS-TC 0065_N540_IEC_P-PUBS_TC31 SABS-TC 0065_N541_IEC_P-PUBS_TC70 SABS-TC 0065_N542_IEC_WORKPROGRAMME_SC31G SABS-TC 0065_N543_IEC_WORKPROGRAMME_SC31J SABS-TC 0065_N545_IEC_WORKPROGRAMME_TC31 SABS-TC 0065_N546_list of Reaffirm standards SABS-TC 0065_N547_programme of work_TC065 SABS-TC 0065_N548_Published standards since last meeting SABS-TC 0065_N549_Published standards_TC065 SABS-TC 0065_N550_SABS-TC 0065_N512_Ratified Minutes_SABSTC065_26 April 2023 SABS-TC 0065_N551_SABSTC065 Committee Meeting Agenda_25 April 2024 SABS-TC 0065_N552_SABS-TC0065_SBP_2024
- SAFA AGM 2024
The South African Flameproof Association invites you to attend the annual SAFA AGM. SAFA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 REGISTER NOW The South African Flameproof Association will be hosting its 46th Annual General Meeting 11 September 2024 13:00 – 15:00 Venue: Starling Meeting Room, Country Club Johannesburg (CCJ), Cnr Woodland and Lincoln Street, Woodmead, Sandton 1. NOTICE CALLING THE MEETING 2. APOLOGIES 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING • Minutes of meeting held 06 September 2023 4. PRESIDENTS REPORT 5. FINANCE • Audited Financial Statements for year ending 30 June 2024 6. AUDITORS • Appointment of auditors 7. YOUNG PROFESSIONALS 8. PRESENTATION • Speaker: Mr Mike Wilson (TBC) • Topic: “Sodium Metal Chloride Batteries” 9. CLOSURE IMPORTANT: Registration is compulsory. Members are reminded that the Company is the SAFA Member, and not the individual. Therefore, you are welcome to invite your colleagues to attend the SAFA Annual General Meeting and all other SAFA General Meetings.
- SAFA YP Site visit to Hansen & Genwest on 21 August 2024
SAFA Young Professional Free Webinar SAFA YP Site visit to Hansen & Genwest 21 August 2024 Terms and Conditions: Please contact Dion Abrahams if you are unable to attend - dion@vdw.co.za
- Intrinsic Safety | The South African Flameproof Association
The South African Flameproof Associations sub-committee for discussion of matters concerning intrinsic safety. Intrinsic Safety Please contact safaservices@vdw.co.za with any suggestions or comments of matters concerning intrinsic safety. The group will meet every two months, and has set its objectives as follows: To communicate on a regular basis. To gain and exchange knowledge and experience between end users, suppliers, vendors, test houses, and legal authorities. To share and implement best practices. To ensure practical IS installations and standardize on IS loops. To identify and discuss typical problems and concerns in the industry and solve them. To get feedback from the test houses and trends in the international arena. To fill the gap in the knowledge of role players. To provide information on local IA certification & the implications. To work towards full compliance with IECEx. Exic Clarification From IS Sub-Committee Meeting These questions were raised at the IS meeting on 18 August. Herewith follows the questions and answers: Q - Where does it say that Exic is for zone 2 only? A - The relationship is identified in 60079-14 section 5.3 and 5.4 - (please click here for 60079-14 section 5.3 and 5.4) Q - Where does it say that it does not require a barrier/isolator? A - This statement isn't true, you will need an IS interface - barrier, isolator or I/O card or a device with suitable IS safety parameters declared. Q - Where does it say that you can run Exic wiring with Exia & Exib wiring? A - It appears in both 60079-14 and Draft 60079-25 - (Please click here for the latter) Q - What is necessary for loop drawing approvals? i.e. how do you do calcs? A - It will follow the same process that we have now. However, as per Chris T note cable parameters are not likely to cause a problem for most installations. Please Click Here for the 'Comparison of the techniques of Intrinsic Safety ‘ic’ and Energy Limitation ‘nL' View Intrinsic Safety Documents
- Services | The South African Flameproof Association
More information about the services that The South African Flameproof Association provides. Services Sub Committees The association has a number of sub committees which have been formed to tackle issues of concern as and when they arise. Such issues are discussed by the executive committee, and if required, the appropriate sub committee is called on to investigate the issue and report its findings back to the executive or management committee. If you have a query regarding explosion protected equipment and / or practices in South Africa, contact us - we can help. SAFA & ECSA Registration SAFA is registered as a voluntary association with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). In terms of this registration, ECSA registered professionals may earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points when participating in registered SAFA activities. Two relevant documents are available from this site. The ECSA " Policy on Continuing Professional Development " (806 kb) may be viewed by clicking on the link, or downloaded by right clicking and selecting "save as". The " SAFA CPD Manual " may be viewed and downloaded in a similar manner.
- Copy of Intrinsic Safety | SAFA
Intrinsic Safety Please contact safaservices@vdw.co.za with any suggestions or comments of matters concerning intrinsic safety. The group will meet every two months, and has set its objectives as follows: To communicate on a regular basis. To gain and exchange knowledge and experience between end users, suppliers, vendors, test houses, and legal authorities. To share and implement best practices. To ensure practical IS installations and standardize on IS loops. To identify and discuss typical problems and concerns in the industry and solve them. To get feedback from the test houses and trends in the international arena. To fill the gap in the knowledge of role players. To provide information on local IA certification & the implications. To work towards full compliance with IECEx. Exic Clarification From IS Sub-Committee Meeting These questions were raised at the IS meeting on 18 August. Herewith follows the questions and answers: Q - Where does it say that Exic is for zone 2 only? A - The relationship is identified in 60079-14 section 5.3 and 5.4 - (please click here for 60079-14 section 5.3 and 5.4) Q - Where does it say that it does not require a barrier/isolator? A - This statement isn't true, you will need an IS interface - barrier, isolator or I/O card or a device with suitable IS safety parameters declared. Q - Where does it say that you can run Exic wiring with Exia & Exib wiring? A - It appears in both 60079-14 and Draft 60079-25 - (Please click here for the latter) Q - What is necessary for loop drawing approvals? i.e. how do you do calcs? A - It will follow the same process that we have now. However, as per Chris T note cable parameters are not likely to cause a problem for most installations. Please Click Here for the 'Comparison of the techniques of Intrinsic Safety ‘ic’ and Energy Limitation ‘nL' View Intrinsic Safety Documents
- 404 Error Page | SAFA
THERE’S NOTHING HERE... The link you followed may be broken, or the page might have moved. Return Home
- SAFA Master Installation Electrician | The South African Flameproof Association
Get more information about the benefits of registering to become a Master Installation Electrician (MIE) and how to register for membership. MIE EVENTS MIE MEMBER APPLICATION MIE DOCUMENTS SAFA MIE BENEFITS MIE MEMBERS Benefits Include: Allowed to use the SAFA MIE Member logo Attend SAFA events at member rates MIE Webinars and Workshops at preferential member rates Standard Updates relevant to MIE's Access to SAFA Telegram and Whatsapp group Attend General Meetings at no cost SAFA Individual MIE Membership Fee: R1 800 p/a Information brochure for application of registered person - Electrical Installation Regulations Prerequisites for Application 1. Has registration as an Installation Electrician for two years. 2. Has five years practical experience in hazardous locations. 3. Has a National N3 Certificate or a technical grade 12 with relevant subjects. 4. Has a Statement of Results for the Specialised Codes Paper 1 & 2 as administered by the FET Campus. 5. Has a Statement of Results from the EWSETA for the 2x Unit Standards for hazardous locations. NB a) The applicant completes the SAFA application form to be assessed by the SAFA MIE appointed Group, this assessment will validate the workplace competency of the applicant, and the applicant will undergo an interview b) SAFA MIE group will evaluate the portfolio of evidence and approve or reject the application c) The SAFA MIE group will consist of a broad spectrum of the Ex industry and training centres. DOL may forward questions that could form part of the questions that can be asked during the interview. d) The applicant will be questioned during the interview regarding Explosion Prevention Methodologies. e) The SAFA MIE group will identify gaps (if any) during the interview and request the applicant to close these gaps and apply to be re-assessed. f) The SAFA MIE group will sign a Certificate of Personal Competency (COPC) and addressed to DOL and also submitted to the applicant was successful g) All COPC’s will be captured in a data base that will be kept at SAFA, and will be available to DOL on request. Note: Applicant needs to complete the application form and submit it electronically to SAFA with proof of payment (R1 800.00). Please note that an invoice will be automatically generated with the SAFA Banking details when the application has been submitted! T o register as a Master Installation Electrician (MIE) please complete this application for Certificate of Personal Competency (COPC) , you can choose to either apply online or download, print and complete this short pdf form and return to safaservices@vdw.co.za . Annexure B - OPTION 4 PROCESS FLOW Download SAFA Registration Requirements Download SAFA MIE Membership Application Form Download SAFA Complaints Procedure Download Verification of contractors registered at DEL Learn More About The SAFA Constitution 3.2 Test Reports SANS_10142-1_ED3.1 (Hazardous Locations) Additional SAFA MIE Documents View the latest photo's from SAFA MIE View the MIE file directory Name Region MIE Number Date Registered Phone Number Membership Status Bill Abrahams KwaZulu-Natal 646 10/11/1996 0824953846 FULL Lionel Adams Western Cape 128 04/08/1994 0834099206 FULL Brendan Archer Mpumalanga 1909 07/07/2015 0719292680 FULL Rudolph Johannes Badenhorst Gauteng 1993 04/07/2017 0615312434 MIE Clive Barnard Gauteng 1939 09/10/2016 0730434989 FULL Vincent Bartlett Limpopo 1758 12/02/2008 0788005733 FULL Robert Botha Gauteng 1046 08/07/1999 0823798091 FULL Jonathan Darnborough Gauteng 1096 19/01/2000 0836791205 FULL Rudolph de Klerk Gauteng 1998 10/18/2017 0837773066 MIE Michelle Du Preez Mpumalanga 2046 07/11/2018 0828595819 FULL Bryod Charles Earland Gauteng 1828 12/09/2012 0723147624 FULL Howard Hagan Western Cape 682 10/28/1996 0734499873 MIE Max Koen South Africa 1251 31/05/2001 0832320383 FULL Paul Kombol Western Cape 1030 19/05/1999 0834526499 FULL Alexander Mayoss KwaZulu-Natal 76 26/05/1994 0829013832 FULL Stephen Newton Western Cape 267 15/02/1995 0833604646 FULL Jay Pancham South Africa 1250 25/05/2001 0837782198 FULL Francis Perry KwaZulu-Natal 23940 12/11/2000 0729107510 MIE Johan Petzer Western Cape 536 05/03/1996 0836354237 FULL Michael Pretorius Eastern Cape 1962 20/12/2016 0823206236 FULL Joel Prinsloo Mpumalanga 1808 02/01/2012 0825584078 FULL Leon Roux Free State 1637 06/07/2004 0823230475 FULL Russel Desmond Sabor Western Cape 475 20/11/1995 0824158443 FULL Andre Van Nieuwenhuizen Gauteng 1710 2005 0732552513 FULL Johannes WN Van Zyl Western Cape 61 21/03/1994 0828810255 FULL Pieter Johan Van Der Berg Eastern Cape 1108 01/20/2000 0825584183 MIE Rudolph Van Rooyen KwaZulu-Natal 233 01/26/1995 0824439628 MIE SAFA MiE Meetings 2024: 7 February 3 April 21 - 23 May - Workshop in Durban & Cape Town 5 June 7 August 2 October Please click here for the Events Photo Gallery
- Events | The South African Flameproof Association
Keep up to date and register for our upcoming events and symposiums. Events 2024 Events SAFA MiE Meetings: 7 February 3 April 5 June 7 August 2 October SAFA MiE Workshops: 21-23 May 2024 SAFA Exco Meetings: 7 February 3 April 5 June 7 August 2 October 4 December SAFA Golf Day: Postponed to 16 May 2025 - Register now SAFA General Meetings: 6 March 8 May 3 July 4 September (AGM) 6 November SAFA Organising Committee Meetings: 7 February 6 March 3 April 8 May 5 June 3 July 7 August 4 September 2 October 6 November SAFA Ex Steering Committee Meetings: 7 February 6 March 3 April 8 May 5 June 3 July 7 August 4 September 2 October 6 November Delve into the highlights of our previous events, where industry professionals and thought leaders gathered to share knowledge and insights. Relive the valuable experiences, engaging discussions, and memorable moments. Past Events View Past Presentations View Past Programmes Discover a collection of stunning photographs showcasing our events, achievements, and the vibrant spirit of our community and let the images tell the stories of our remarkable journey.. Event Photos View Photo's
- Explosion Prevention & Protection | The South African Flameproof Association
The South African Flameproof Association is a non profit body association of companies involved in explosion prevention and protection techniques for equipment used in hazardous atmospheres in industry and mining. SOUTH AFRICAN FLAMEPROOF ASSOCIATION IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY The South African Flameproof Association is a non profit body, and is an association of companies involved in explosion prevention/protection techniques for equipment used in hazardous atmospheres in industry and mining. It comprises almost 200 member companies which include both end users and manufacturers, as well as relevant government bodies and equipment testing houses. The association has branches in Gauteng (Johannesburg), KwaZulu-Natal (Durban), and the Cape (Cape Town). More About Us If your company or organization is involved in explosion prevention technology, or if your operations involve any work in hazardous or potentially hazardous areas, then you should consider becoming a member of SAFA. Membership Join SAFA SAFA has been recognized as a Voluntary Association (Category C) in terms of Section 25(1)(3) of the Engineering Professions Act (46 of 2000). In terms of this registration, ECSA registered professionals may earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points when participating in registered SAFA activities. CPD Learn More Click the "Learn More" button below to find out more about becoming a SAFA sponsor. Sponsorship Learn More SAFA MIE Application Apply for Certificate of Personal Competency (COPC) to register as a Master Installation Electrician. SAFA Individual MIE Membership Fee: R1800 p/a Apply Here! SAFA Certificate of ECSA Recognition as a Voluntary Association View Certificate View Affiliations SAFA Gold Sponsor: 1/3
- SAFA MiE Free Workshop - May 2024
SAFA MIE Workshops in Durban and Cape Town - 21 to 23 May 2024 SAFA MIE Workshops in Durban and Cape Town 21 - 23 May 2024
- Photo Gallery | The South African Flameproof Association
South African Flameproof Association's collection of photos from our past events and symposiums. Photo Gallery SAFA MIE Photo's MIE Symposium - March 2023 - Woodmead, Johannesburg SAFA Symposium - May 2022 - Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng SAFA Symposium - May 2019 - Carnival City Casino, Gauteng SAFA Symposium - May 2018 - Emperors Palace, Gauteng SAFA Symposium - May 2017 - Protea Hotel By Marriott, Gauteng SAFA Symposium - Oct 2015 - Khaya iBhubesi, Free State SAFA Symposium - Nov 2014 - Graceland Casino, Mpumalanga SAFA Symposium - Nov 2013 - Gateway Hotel, Umhlanga SAFA Symposium - Nov 2012 - Emperors Palace, Gauteng Symposium 2010 SAFA Symposium 2008